“For the word of God is living and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword...”
{Hebrews 4:12}
Living Word Church is an independent, Bible preaching church located at 301 W Avenue H
Jarrell, Texas
“We simply believe God’s word, as written and inspired by the Holy Spirit, is the same word that has the power to change lives today.”
—Pastor Joe Stephens
Living Word Church is a non-denominational Christian church that believes that God’s Word is the answer for every single life. Come join us for a service and experience the power of the word of God to help you, your family, and our community!
Pastor Joe Stephens and his family arrived in Jarrell, Texas in 2019 and began the exciting and daunting task of pioneering a new church here. Small town Texas is quite a change from the more than 12 years they spent working with gangs and teens with drug addictions as a pastor in South Central Los Angeles. Pastor Stephens admits it was quite a unique experience compared to shepherding a community church in Jarrell today. But he continues to use the same mechanisms to help families get back on their feet, both spiritually and relationally. “Coming to Jarrell is a big shift, but I feel we’re able to have a massive impact in a smaller community. There’s a huge amount of people moving into the community. They’re looking for a church, new friends and establishing a new life. It’s a great environment to build a community-based family church.”
Pastor Joe started his career in the early days pastoring in 1996 in El Paso, Texas and has even 4 thrilling years pioneering a church in the Nation of Greece.

"For the word of God is living and powerful, sharper than any double-edged sword, piercing until it divides soul and spirit, joints and marrow, as it judges the thoughts and purposes of the heart."
Hebrews 4:12